Sunday, October 30, 2011

No Sew Halloween Tote

I have been in crazy project mode this weekend! By crazy, I mean 4 costumes and 8 trick-or-treat totes (6 were sewn and the other two were no-sews). Believe it or not, it was actually a great weekend. This kind of stuff is super fun for me. I shared a tutorial earlier on the easy sew bags I made so I figured I'd do a quick tutorial for my friends who don't sew. I made these super cute bags for my girls to carry tomorrow in about 30 minutes start to finish for both bags. Interested in making one of your own? Here's how:

Here's the bascis of what you need: an iron, ironing board, scissors, some fun fabric, Heat N' Bond Iron On Adhesive (LOVE this stuff!), a canvas tote of any size and if you're a girl like me some ribbon (this is used as added flair)
You may also want a piece of scrap paper and some fabric paint. (We'll get to those later)
 First, follow the directions on the Heat N' Bond package to adhere your fabric.
Trace whatever you want your tote bag to say onto your scrap paper, cut it out, and then trace it onto the Heat N' Bond paper. Make sure you trace your letters backwards b/c when you iron them you'll get a mirror image.
(I've learned this the hard way!) Cut out the letters and remove the paper backing.

Make sure to line up your design before you start ironing.

I like to add fabric paint once I have finished adhering the fabric.
This gives it a little polished look and prevents the fabric from curling or fraying.

Now if you're a girl like me, nothing is complete without a bow so use your ribbon to add a cute accent and you're done!
(Want in on a secret? This tote's bow doubles as a hair bow! I love those little surprises!)

See how easy that was? Now go try it and tell me how it goes!


10 Minute Trick-or-treat Tote

I am by far a very novice sewer (not even sure if that is the correct term), but I wanted to share a super easy way I've discovered to make super cute tote bags that take very little time. In my crazy world, that's a huge thing! So... ladies and gentleman, please bear with me as I present my very first tutorial!!!

Materials needed:
  • Sewing machine
  • Scissors
  • Some fun fabric (I chose a glittery Halloween print I just happened to have in my stash)
  • thread (preferably some that accents your fabric)
  • ribbon that matches your chosen fabric

That's it! Are you ready?

Step one: Cut the fabric to your desired size. Make sure you make 2 cuts of fabric the same size!

Step two: Fold the fabric about 1/4 inch at the top and do a seam stitch.
Do the same to your other cut of fabric.
If you want exact precision you can iron the fabric before you stitch, but I'm lazy most of the time and just eyeball it.

Step 3: Once the top of your tote is hemmed to prevent fraying stack
the two pieces of fabric right sides in facing each other, like this:

Step four: Make sure you are looking at the wrong side of the fabric on both sides. Line up the sides and seam stitch around the sides and the bottom, leaving the top open.

Step five: You'll need a handle for your tote. Ribbon is one of my go-to's. Place the ribbon about two inches below the top of the bag, lined up with the side seam. Then do two vertical stitches and two horizontal stitches like you see above. Repeat on the other side. Make sure to go back and trim all the excess thread you have, and guess what?!!!!

Step six: You're done! Turn the bag right side out and you have a cute little tote.
An added option I do with most of my bags is to add about an inch and a half of Velcro
 in the middle at the top of each bag for a closure.

JC quickly informed me when he saw this that it was WAY to small for candy collection, but the fabric stash I had was already cut so I had no choice on the size. We can always carry more than one :)
I hope you're now inspired to try this on your own! Please comment and let me know if you do.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Birthday, JC!

My handsome hubby is 40 today!

We went camping this weekend to help him celebrate the Big 4-0.
Here's some of my favorite moments from this weekend:

French toast for breakfast :)

We brought my sister along with us. The girls have a blast with Aunt Laney Bird!

Even G-man came along for the party

JC's mom decorated our tent while we had a family rest. Love those afternoon naps in the tent!

Some of us napped a little longer than others :) I think all that kite flying did her in.
Between Barbies, dinosaurs, kites and kickball I don't think Belle and Rose gave their Auntie Laney any time to rest :)

Being silly with Daddy's birthday crown

Happy birthday to my sweet hubby!

I look forward to the next 40 years of adventures alongside my best friend. I'll make sure we celebrate his 80th camping too! Hehehe! :) God is so good and our family is so blessed!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Brave Belle

Belle gets the award for bravery today. She had her first hospital experience this afternoon. She had a tiny spot on her eyelid that started out as a sty about 6 months ago and ended up as some sort of growth on her eyelid. It didn't seem to bother her, but her eye doctor wanted to remove it so we got to spend the day in outpatient surgery. We prepared ourselves last night as we read stories. We read A Trip to the Hospital by Mercer Mayer (one of her favorite authors), and I did my best to walk her through what would happen. It sounds like an awful day, but I actually think Belle enjoyed herself for most of the day. We had to meet with the doctor first thing this morning in his office and then report to the surgery center two hours later. Crazy, I know! So... we found a great playground right near Albert Whitted Airport, and she got to hang out with Mommy and Daddy and watch the planes take off. She was all smiles and dancing around until she heard her name called in the waiting room. Then my spirited little girl instantly turned super shy and said not a word. She warmed up quickly when the nurses spoiled her rotten with fake tattoos and stickers. Plus, they let Daddy and I hang out in the pre-op room with her too. Once they wheeled her from the room I tried to read the book I'd brought with me. I think I read the same page over and over again for a half hour and then she was done. Quick and painless!

Now, Daddy and Belle's fabulous nurse thought it would be fun to get some pictures while we were waiting for her to go back into the operating area, so of course, I have pictures to share:

This nurse was FABULOUS! She had Belle giggling from the minute she walked into the room.

Belle had to practice how to breathe into the mask.

Of course, Daddy made her pose pretending she was asleep.

After surgery, a little out of it, but looking good.

Getting cleared to leave.

A happy mommy and a groggy HUNGRY baby.
The worst part of the whole day was not
being able to eat until after surgery.

God is so good! Being the typical mom I was so worried, but He worked everything out beautifully today. JC and I got some special time with Belle, and Rose was so proud that she got to be the only Jannarone girl at school today. We had great nurses and I felt the many prayers of sweet family and friends who were thinking of us today. My sweet sister called me this morning and prayed for me while I was driving Rose to school. I love that girl!

Belle definitely got the treatment and soaked in every minute. She got a special lunch date with Mommy and Daddy. By far my most favorite moment of the day was picking up my sweet Rose. Belle and I walked through the door and when she realized it was us she came running and said, "Oh Belle! How's your eyeball?" Gotta love sisters :)


Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Little Hair Flair

Today we took family pictures with JC's mom and brothers. We were all wearing similar colors, and all the girl cousins had the same dress. I thought it would be fun to add a little flair to their hair so the girls and I took a trip to Michael's. We came home with some flowers and new buttons, and I went a little crazy with my glue gun. Here's the final result:
I wasn't kidding when I said I went crazy. These were the first of about 12 clips I made last night. The girls ended up wearing these. It looked nice with their black dresses, and they each had a color of their own.

These I couldn't resist because they're so darn cute! They may end up in my hair too!

I LOVE these ladybugs. I happened to find these felt stickers a few months ago and I love that I can just glue gun them to a clip and have a super cute accessory for the girls' hair.

Rose's friend from school had a birthday party today so she got some butterfly flower clips and these super cute cupcakes. These were felt stickers I found too.

I'm loving how easy and super cute these are. Plus, it satisfies my need to have Belle and Rose's hair out of their face. It used to be bows, but now that Belle insists that bows are not "cool" I had to get creative. What will I do when she's 15?!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

An Awesome Field Trip!

Yesterday, my sweet Rose went on her first school field trip. Luckily, I happen to be one of the teachers on the trip so I got to be in on the fun. We've been studying Community Helpers at school so we took all of the Pre-K classes to the Pinellas Park Fire Station 33. The kids had a great time! The firefighters were so great with our kids! They gave them a tour of their station and let the kids each have a turn with the water hose. Rose couldn't wait to get home and tell her sister and her daddy about shooting that water! I was so impressed with the guys at Station 33. They gave our kids a great example of true Community Helpers and heroes. :)

Of course, I have pictures to share thanks to my sweet mother-in-law who came on the field trip with us.

In Nannie's car. Waiting for the fun to happen!

Patiently waiting my turn for that hose! :)

I think we may have a future firefighter on our hands!

This was a week of firsts already, and it's only Tuesday. Belle went on her first field trip today all by herself! (Meaning without her Mama!) I was spoiled last year because I got to go on all of her field trips. I was so nervous this morning and gave her the typical Mama Speech about staying with the group and not wandering off. Fortunately, she had a great time on the field trip, and I survived the hours of worry while she was gone! :)It was so nice to hear her chattering all the way home about the fun she had today. Next time I'll have to send my camera with someone so I can get some pictures. Better yet, I might just have to volunteer to go on the next trip!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

That song took on a whole new meaning for me this weekend. I stood in the pouring rain this morning bonding with my dear hubby as we packed up our camp and got soaked to the bone. I found myself wishing that singing that song would actually work! :) I am so grateful that Uncle Kevin and Auntie Heather were also camping nearby in their RV so the girls had a dry spot to hang out while JC and I tried to remove our tent from the lake that had formed underneath overnight. We actually had a fantastic time this weekend despite the rain. Saturday was perfect weather. JC brought his butterfly nets so the girls, their daddy and their cousins were on a mission to find butterflies. We were on a catch and release mission, of course. We had to reassure the ranger of this when he stopped to ask us about our entourage with nets. Pictures say it better than I can so here goes:

Belle said she was Camilla from one of her favorite books A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon

I'm not sure who was more into the butterfly catching, Daddy or the girls?

Home sweet home!

Cousins on a mission!

The Butterfly team

Nannie and Jax

Notice there are no pictures of a wet campsite. I had my hands a little full :) Oh well, we have fun rain or shine. Plus, Daddy spoiled us and treated us to a yummy dinner out tonight when we got home. I love my family!


Sunday, October 2, 2011

What a great weekend!

This has been a fantastic weekend!

JC and I started out the weekend with a date night. Gotta love a night at the Japanese Steakhouse and some much needed "us" time :)

Cute Tot

The girls' picture was featured on one of my favorite blogs Totally Tots. Click on the button above to see their adorable little faces. Make sure you check out the rest of the site too! I love this site. Its full of great ideas that I use with my girls at home and with my students in the classroom.

The fabulous weather has been another added bonus. The girls have been loving the chance to play outside without sweating to death! Even Gordon was doing laps around the back yard, and Daddy manned the grill for a yummy dinner last night.

To end the weekend we spent some time at one of our favorite places: Lazy Days. We walked around looking and dreaming of ways we'd really like to rough it when we camp :)
