Belle gets the award for bravery today. She had her first hospital experience this afternoon. She had a tiny spot on her eyelid that started out as a sty about 6 months ago and ended up as some sort of growth on her eyelid. It didn't seem to bother her, but her eye doctor wanted to remove it so we got to spend the day in outpatient surgery. We prepared ourselves last night as we read stories. We read
A Trip to the Hospital by Mercer Mayer (one of her favorite authors), and I did my best to walk her through what would happen. It sounds like an awful day, but I actually think Belle enjoyed herself for most of the day. We had to meet with the doctor first thing this morning in his office and then report to the surgery center two hours later. Crazy, I know! So... we found a great playground right near Albert Whitted Airport, and she got to hang out with Mommy and Daddy and watch the planes take off. She was all smiles and dancing around until she heard her name called in the waiting room. Then my spirited little girl instantly turned super shy and said not a word. She warmed up quickly when the nurses spoiled her rotten with fake tattoos and stickers. Plus, they let Daddy and I hang out in the pre-op room with her too. Once they wheeled her from the room I tried to read the book I'd brought with me. I think I read the same page over and over again for a half hour and then she was done. Quick and painless!
Now, Daddy and Belle's fabulous nurse thought it would be fun to get some pictures while we were waiting for her to go back into the operating area, so of course, I have pictures to share:
This nurse was FABULOUS! She had Belle giggling from the minute she walked into the room. |
Belle had to practice how to breathe into the mask. |
Of course, Daddy made her pose pretending she was asleep. |
After surgery, a little out of it, but looking good. |
Getting cleared to leave. |
A happy mommy and a groggy HUNGRY baby.
The worst part of the whole day was not
being able to eat until after surgery. |
God is so good! Being the typical mom I was so worried, but He worked everything out beautifully today. JC and I got some special time with Belle, and Rose was so proud that she got to be the only Jannarone girl at school today. We had great nurses and I felt the many prayers of sweet family and friends who were thinking of us today. My sweet sister called me this morning and prayed for me while I was driving Rose to school. I love that girl!
Belle definitely got the treatment and soaked in every minute. She got a special lunch date with Mommy and Daddy. By far my most favorite moment of the day was picking up my sweet Rose. Belle and I walked through the door and when she realized it was us she came running and said, "Oh Belle! How's your eyeball?" Gotta love sisters :)